Rolly Hurst
Missionary who is leading the charge to bring The Fire Bible in various languages throughout the Asia Pacific Region.
We are so grateful for you our Calary Church family! Your prayer support strengthens and sustains us, and your faithful giving is helping to translate and publish study Bibles into the many languages of the world. Sixty-seven of the top languages are already completed because of your support, and over twenty additional languages are currently in process. Our continued focus is on the Fijian and Samoan language editions FireBibles. Great progress was made on building the translation team for the Fijian FireBible and the Samoan language edition will be starting in the next few months. We are grateful for unity on these projects and excited to see their impact amongst each group of speakers. Your sacrificial giving is going to help provide this incredible resource to Fijian and Samoan pastors so they can train and teach the next generation of leaders, all in a language they know and can understand. Your giving is going to have a direct effect on the church of today and leave a legacy for the future church in each country that is receiving a FireBible in their own heart language. Thank you for your faithfulness and giving to us and to FIreBible!
Prayer Requests:
Please pray for the Lord’s favor for the translation team for the Fijian FireBible project.Â
Please pray for wisdom and unity on the beginning of the Samoan FireBible and for our presentation to their World Meetings in December.
Please pray for the many FireBilbe projects in sensitive parts of the world, that Bibles would be able to be produced and be launched into hard-to-reach areas.
Thank you Calvary Assembly for your continued prayer and financial support! Because of your faithfulness to the Lord, we are able to translate and publish study Bibles into the many languages of the world. 65 of the top languages are already completed because of your support, and over 15 other languages are currently in process. As missionaries to Life Publishers, our focus now is on the Samoan and Fijian FireBIbles, on raising the funds for these language editions, and building translation and editing teams. Your sacrificial giving is going to help provide this incredible resource to Samoan and Fijian pastors so they can train and teach the next generation of leaders, all in a language they know and can understand. Your giving is going to have a direct effect on the church of tomorrow in each country that is receiving a FireBible in their own heart language. Thank you for your faithfulness and giving to us and to FIreBible! You are providing the Word of God in the heart languages of people groups around the world.Â
Prayer Requests:
Please pray that the Lord will help us build translation and editing teams for the Samoan and Fijian language FireBIbles.
Please pray for the many FireBilbe projects in sensitive parts of the world, that Bibles would be able to be produced and be launched into hard-to-reach areas.
Please pray for continued financial support of new language edition FireBibles.