Dallas Hind
Missionary Partnering with the church to reach, equip and mobilize young adults and professionals in marketplace missions.
We are grateful for Calvary’s faithfulness to give and pray!
Isaiah 26:3 You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.
A young professional and his mother arrived from South America requesting asylum. People
continue to come to the U.S. and we are in constant contact with them. They’ve attended a local AG
church and face the issues of living in a new nation. We met him after he lost his job.
Since we started in this intercultural field the Lord has guided us toward others from the nations who
enter the U.S. by various means. This year we’ve altered using Spanish and English in many settings
to connect with those we meet and minister. Our efforts are augmented by the relationships we have
with local churches. In Spring 2024 national AG sponsored “Seek And Save” in the Tampa, Florida
region. We were asked to lead the evangelism group for the days of the event; assembling teams and
assigning neighborhoods for door-to-door contacts. We added to the skills these members of other
churches for evangelism.
The young professional who lost his job was obviously sad, but wants to grow in Christ. He and I
now meet regularly, except during the hurricanes and recovery of late. By the way, he applied for and
started a job recently; something we prayed about. I’m encouraging him to now be consistent in
spiritual growth. There are other young adults in a transition of their own who are showing similar
desire to know our Lord more.
Thanks, Calvary Assembly for your sacrificial giving and prayer!
Yours in Christ, Dallas & Suman 2024
Prayer Request:
Please pray for Florida regarding the impact of Hurricane Milton. Seems like the last month has been preparation for inclement weather.
Prayer requests: For Suman who has a deteriorated cognitive condition that is yet to be diagnosed. She reads the Bible daily and prays for others. For the ministry that the Lord would continue to open doors, the hearts of people, to hunger for God’s Word and we be ready to meet them.
Praying for a blessed time at 21st Annual "Anointed To Go" Missions Conference.
We experience the LORD’s faithfulness through your giving and prayer! Mahalo Nui Loa, Calvary Hawai’i!
Proverbs 22:18 for it is pleasing when you keep them [sayings of the wise]
in your heart and have all of them ready on your lips.
The Lord is constantly opening our eyes to opportunities to join Him in his work. So, we see them on
the streets in big cities everywhere, namely, those like the homeless, asking for money who “need
help.” And even before finishing Radical by Platt, Suman and I pursued an idea we had done as
individuals but are bringing to the young people among whom we minister, some know the Lord,
some do not. One evening as part of our usual Bible study and prayer we assembled bags of hand
sanitizer, shampoo, packs of tissue, gum, sunscreen, lip balm, sometimes other items and a Gospel
tract with a $5 bill. We prayed then gave each student one to hand out when they saw someone in
need. Suman and I did the same and took some extras with us. The idea is to place oneself outside the
usual context into another with which we are not familiar to demonstrate the love of Christ. Giving
away these ‘blessing bags’ lead us to others different than ourselves. Though separate from this
experience, one student expressed regarding faith, “But what else can I do? I feel like I’m a
lukewarm Christian because I don’t do a lot of stuff for God most days…” She went on to say that
she needs help to discover what to do for Him. Our time in the lives of young people, saved and
unsaved, is used to point them toward Christ.
We deeply appreciate Calvary’s partnership further spurs us on advancing the training and sending of young people to a needy world.
Prayer requests: For Suman’s health; she’s home recovering after an ER and hospital stay.
Divine encounters like the one with a plumber recently who is seeking the Lord; staying contact now.