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Jhan & Iris Hurst




Missionaries who produce an evangelism-teaching program, Think a Minute, aired daily on secular radio stations to reach unreached peoples and connect them to local churches.


Jhan & Iris Hurst have served as missionaries for 36 years and presently base their daily global ministry in the massive metroplex of Jakarta, Indonesia. The Lord continues to expand Jhan and Iris’ international outreach through partnerships with pastors and AG executives in more countries, languages, and methods. On the ground, on air, and online, they help equip and mobilize pastors on every continent to plant new churches and evangelize their vast populations of nonbelievers—connecting many Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Animists, and Secularists to local bodies of believers. While Jhan is the voice of TAM (Think a Minute) in certain countries, national leaders in many other nations and languages are preaching the Hursts’ daily messages to the unreached. Jhan and Iris work with local ministers to help “establish His church among all people”—maximizing every opportunity and tool available.


PTL for the Hursts’ new “Team TAM” in Indonesia! Jhan and Iris lead their Indonesian team as its writers-producers, including overseeing the translations, recordings, and initiatives with Indonesian churches. So far, Team TAM has completed 125 programs in the Indonesian language for use in frontline evangelism and church planting throughout the largest Muslim country. The Hursts also fill the pulpits of strategic churches in Indonesia. Iris’ multiple ministries to women includes an unprecedented invitation by nearly 100 Muslims for ongoing teaching of the Christian life; and her several weekly groups for discipling believers and evangelizing nonbelievers in Indonesia, China, Japan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Australia.

Prayer Requests:

1) Please pray that many lost lives across Indonesia will be reached and connected to Christ’s body—as local churches maximize these new TAM tools for evangelism and church planting.

2) Please pray God provides His ongoing favor, faith, and funds needed to continue expanding our daily global ministry in our extended term’s 5th year.


Jhan & Iris Hurst
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