Tarn & Marissa Liu
Missionaries sharing the Gospel and the love of God in Bangkok.
As 2022 ends and 2023 begins soon, we are looking forward to be of service no matter what the challenge may be. We will do our absolute best to navigate through this global crisis in Thailand. Despite opening and closing of establishments we were able to help serve the community.
Throughout the start of 2022 until now, October 2022, we connected with students on the campus engaging students and families and holding classes on leadership development, mentoring sessions and marriage seminars. Thankfully for technology we are still able to hold leadership classes online as well as host several outreach webinars on mental-health, parenting and social media outreach. We are thankful we can still serve the nation of Thailand
Early this year, Marisa started a part-time voluntary position at ICS (International Community School) as "Elementary Ministry Coordinator." She is involved in ministering and preaching the Gospel at their weekly chapel to more than 240 students as well as overseeing their growth group program. This is also a huge platform to reach more families on this campus that we have already been engaging on a weekly basis. Together we are being intentional at creating new ideas to engage more families along with their kids in outreach events. We are also blessed to have team-mates from Hawaii to join us and we move forward toward a future church plant at the end of 2023. Much mahalo to your generous heart to stand with us and reach the nation of Thailand for Christ.Â
Tarn & Marisa Liu